How to use metafields and metaobjects with theme app blocks?

Use dynamic data within theme app blocks to create personalized experiences.

How to use metafields and metaobjects with theme app blocks?

You probably, used or heared of Shopify metafields and metaobjects before, their main data model, also called Shopify Content Platform (CMS), but what you might not know is how to use them with Shopify native apps or even compatible third party apps.

This is something that can easly be powerfull in many situation where you want to make for example an app widget to be dynamic and adapt its content to every product page without the need for a custom implimentation, all from your online theme editor.

There is two parts where you can manage content inside Shopify, the new content platform section, where you can view all you data defintions and structure and all of its entries and there is also the blog and pages section inside the online store sales channel which is considered a legacy section.

Using metafields and metaobjects within theme app blocks

How to use the ones created and provided by apps

Go further with using metaobject templates and app blocks

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